

Coming events:


28 April 2025

14:00 – 18:30

Ethical and Epistemic Issues in Science Communication


Università di Genova
Via Balbi 2, Genova – Aula Magna
Mikkel Gerken (University of Southern Denmark)
Anna Ichino (University of Milan)
Carlo Martini (San Raffaele University)
Tommaso Piazza (University of Pavia)
Giulia Terzian (NOVA University Lisbon)
Organizers: Michel Croce & Federico Bina (University of Genoa)
The workshop will be in person only. Participation is free but registration is needed. Please register by sending an email to 

Past events:

(Dis)trust in Science Reframed


Aula Volta, Sede Centrale dell’Università,
Corso di Strada Nuova 65, Pavia
24-25 January 2025
Maintaining and increasing public trust in science has arguably never been more difficult a challenge for experts and institutions than today. Climate change denialism, vaccine hesitancy, and populist politics are prominent contexts where anti-expertise sentiments spread and lead people to take worrisome decisions. But is “distrust in science” a credible global explanation of why people engage in anti-scientific behavior? Recent work in social science and psychology started to challenge this prominent narrative. As such, the phenomenon needs a more nuanced explanation that the worn-out label “distrust in science” cannot provide. This Workshop provides a philosophical contribution to this multi-disciplinary endeavor by pursuing a twofold objective: namely, to offer a comprehensive framework of the reasons why people engage in anti-scientific behavior, and to develop a model for counteracting its detrimental effects. 
Keynote speakers
·       Maya Goldenberg (University of Guelph, Canada) 
·       Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool)


24 January

11.00 Introduction

Chair: Mario De Caro (Roma Tre University)

11.20 Maya Goldenberg (University of Guelph), Misinformation, Disinformation, & Theorizing People with Whom We Disagree


Chair: Eleonora Severini (University of Pavia)

12.20 Carline Klijnman (University College Dublin), Vaccine Hesitancy and Moral Encroachment


13.00 Lunch


Chair: Mirko Garasic (Roma Tre University)

14.30 Silvia Ivani (University College Dublin), Vaccine Hesitancy and Rhetorical Spaces

15.10 Martina Calderisi (University of Turin), Akrasia and Science Denialism


15.50 Coffee break


Chair: Luca Fonnesu (University of Pavia)

16.30 Davide Versari (FINO/UPO), Towards a Social Approach to the Role of Experts in a Democratic Society

17.10 Arnon Keren (University of Haifa), Misunderstanding the Division of Cognitive Labor and Doing Your Own Research


25 January

Chair: Federico Bina (University of Genoa)

9.30 SuddhaSatwa GuhaRoy (Roma Tre University), Short-Form Videos and Barriers to Forming Accurate Beliefs

10.10 Michel Croce (University of Genoa), Journalism Ethics and the Problem of Public Expert Testimony


10.50 Coffee break


Chair: Sofia Bonicalzi (Roma Tre University)

11.20 Mara Floris (San Raffaele University), Challenges in Enhancing High School Students’ Ability to Identify Scientific Disinformation: Insights from Ecological Classroom Interventions


Chair: Tommaso Piazza (University of Pavia)

12.00 Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool), Doing Your Own Patient Activist Research


13.00 Lunch


Discussants: Federico Bina, Sofia Bonicalzi, Roberto Ciuni, Mario De Caro, Luca Fonnesu, Mirko Garasic, Tommaso Piazza, Eleonora Severini

Last update 10 March 2025